Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Format Wars Whats the Best Way to Showcase Your Media CV - CareerAlley

Format Wars What’s the Best Way to Showcase Your Media CV - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Live out of your imagination, not your history. Stephen Covey In the last few years, the humble CV has advanced in leaps and bounds. What was once a simple sheet of A4 two if you were feeling flash has now mutated into a dizzying array of media formats. If youre applying to media jobs, it stands to reason that you may wish to present your CV using a medium that is in keeping with the industry youre entering. Thus, if youre trying for a digital media job, you might wish to digitally display your CV via an online hosting site. Likewise, if youre applying for a job in film or television, why not create a video resum? After all, proving just how at ease you are in front of the camera cant do your employment prospects any harm surely? Even if you do have the gravitas of a news anchorman and the oratory skills of a presidential frontrunner, thats not to say you should reach for the record button however. When applying for jobs especially in new media the temptation is to demonstrate just how at ease you are with technology. Theres nothing wrong with that, but dont let the message get lost in the medium: if youre truly the outstanding candidate, with the most relevant skills and experience, you could probably scribble your resum on the back of a napkin and still get hired. Conversely, even the most polished online CV will not withstand scrutiny if theres nothing on it worth scrutinising. Another innovative take on the trusty curriculum vitae is The Social CV. This online portal aggregates data from your various social media accounts into a single webpage, enabling prospective employers to glean a measure of you the person at a glance. The trouble with this, of course, is that many people are accustomed to blurting out the sort of status updates and tweets that they would never dare utter in the workplace. The Social CV is a clever concept, but one that could come back to haunt you. While video resums, digital CVs and social media aggregators can get you so far, its what you say not how you say it that will ultimately determine whether or not you land that coveted media job. In spite of technological advances, the CV, in paper form, is still going strong. If in doubt as to the efficacy of a new format, you could do a lot worse than to stick with what you know. Media Week Jobs specialise in listing the latest advertising manager jobs, broadcast jobs and TV jobs from direct employers and recruitment agencies. Good luck in your search.

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